Fairness will lead us to Nowhere....
Hmm feeling bored here. And something came across my mind and maybe I just share with you all. Ever heard of the phrase, “Life is so unfair”? It’s a common phrase that we all hear when things never go the way we want. Actually, I just want to share with you guys, my perception of that particular phrase. Have we ever given it a thought of how it will be if life is fair? For me, each time people say that to me, I will always think. If life were to be fair, you just imagine how it feels to be surrounded with only one gender. Imagine that there is only one kind of sex in life, example, Man. Every person on earth is similar in every way. The heights, the skin color, the voice, the looks, the strength, the attitude or rather in short, everything are the same. So if life is fair, we have nothing to think of or scared of anything. And is so, how do one reproduce its young? And if everyone are similar and look alike, then how are we to differentiate which are which? Well we want life to be fair isn’t it? Can you guys imagine seeing your clone? Everywhere? Just like robots except that they have no brains, only chips! Hahaha.
Anyway I just believe that things happen for a reason. There is a reason why God create man and woman (to reproduce another human kind on earth). Have you ever wondered why male are deemed as the stronger element of gender as compared to female? And some of us had even commented that both genders are equal. We are what we are now is thanks to our forefathers. Women before our time have fought for equality rights.
Even if so, what I think is that both genders can never have the equal rights. There is a reason why man and woman are born differently in terms of physically and mentally. Try to imagine yourself in a situation where you are married and live under the same roof with your spouse that is equal to you in everything. The term “strong” can be defined in a lot of ways. Not only in term of physical, but also on the mental strength. If both are strong-headed, who will win or who will give in? And when will their arguments end? If both are very physically strong, then who need each other’s help anyway? If both have the necessary emotional qualities to deal with almost with anything or everything, then do they need each other? If both have the influential or authoritative virtue of having power, then are the both of them able to listen? Who listen? Will there be peace? And why marry when they don need each other? So you get my point on the reason why men are stronger than woman? Think differently and life will be easier than expected.
Sweet and Smiling Always,
Anyway I just believe that things happen for a reason. There is a reason why God create man and woman (to reproduce another human kind on earth). Have you ever wondered why male are deemed as the stronger element of gender as compared to female? And some of us had even commented that both genders are equal. We are what we are now is thanks to our forefathers. Women before our time have fought for equality rights.
Even if so, what I think is that both genders can never have the equal rights. There is a reason why man and woman are born differently in terms of physically and mentally. Try to imagine yourself in a situation where you are married and live under the same roof with your spouse that is equal to you in everything. The term “strong” can be defined in a lot of ways. Not only in term of physical, but also on the mental strength. If both are strong-headed, who will win or who will give in? And when will their arguments end? If both are very physically strong, then who need each other’s help anyway? If both have the necessary emotional qualities to deal with almost with anything or everything, then do they need each other? If both have the influential or authoritative virtue of having power, then are the both of them able to listen? Who listen? Will there be peace? And why marry when they don need each other? So you get my point on the reason why men are stronger than woman? Think differently and life will be easier than expected.
Sweet and Smiling Always,
WAH!!!! Someone has internet liao.... heheheh...
Havent... I help her to post... Soon... Next week.. She say everyday she will post...
Wah.... she post all these so philosophical post ah..... post sumthing more fun can?? u all nv go out liao ah???
Rose getting her internet tomolo..
You can never find the word FAIR in the "World's dictionary". The stronger opponent will always prevail. This manifests in political stage, socially even in animal's world.
The nature's life tradition builds on; female look after the young while male will protect the family till the young reaches independent age.
The idea of male and female standing on equal footage, I believe came from the west. This is normally applicable if ladies do not over do it.
Haha, successful woman who thinks highly of herself often find herself mark under status single for a life time.
It might do well if ladies know how to balance between traditional and modern ideology. If properly done, life can be even easier for the guys.
I always believe, in Singapore, it hard to stand firm if a guy is the breadwinner of the family.
Hence, these two words "equal status" carry 2 groups of component. The first group is element of supportive, cooperative, understanding and the second group is competition, scheming, rights of woman/man and so on.
Depend on the perception of individual, I believe, the former will improve the civilization while the lateral might eventually lead to the breakdown of the tradition which our ancestors had build on.
Lots more to write but I think I will end here. Cheers~~~
P.S. Race vs Race is already bad. Imagine a male “fighting” a female.
Ermmm LDG.... Fair is Equal, balance... Fair is also a carnival... as in fun fair.... then also justice.... justified..... I mean... u should change ur dictionary... =___=
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